Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Blog bersawang!!

Lama tak update blog ni,, dah bersawang!!
Sebab kurang update,, busy final year degree student,,
Same as other final students with full of final project and last with the reports and viva presentation,,so tired,,
But, Alhamdullilah, I managed to get through all the hardest way as a degree students. Degree student with full of sweet and sour memories,, experience and mistakes make me learned and appreciated what I have today..
Besides, happy wedding anniversary to my mom and my dad today,, hope this relationship long lasting until Jannah and live happily ever after,,*jgan gaduh2 yer!!* teringin nak makan pizzahut baru--sapa la nak belanja,,
Lastly, Selamat Menyambut MaulidurRasul 1435H kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat di Malaysia and througout the world especially to my sister in Cardiff,,*belajar elok2 yer*
Rasullulah bersabda;
"Sesiapa yang menghidupkan sunnahku, maka sesungguhnya dia telah mencintai aku. Dan sesiapa yang mencintai aku nescaya dia bersama-samaku di dalam syurga" (Riwayat Al Sajary daripada Anas)

Thats all for today,, have a nice day,,;)
Assalamualaikum,,will update more after this..

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